7 Ways to Heal: Spiritual Spring Cleaning


While you're scrubbing windows and de-cluttering closets, don't forget to tackle your spiritual debris as well. Intuitive healer and author Deborah King reveals how.

 Spring is a time of renewal for Mother Nature, yes, but also for us mere mortals. When the weather gets warmer, we seem to find a built-in drive to de-junk basements, scrub windows, and dust doorsills. Go to it, urges intuitive healer Deborah King. Spring cleaning rituals get us into a positive state of mind. But don't stop with your physical world. Why not take the single-minded vigor with which you tackle your cluttered closets . . . and apply it to your soul?

    "I am an advocate of what I call spiritual spring cleaning," asserts King, founder of nonprofit organization Miracle Healings. "We all have issues that block the flow of spiritual energy and hinder our growth and happiness. Now is a good time of year to zero in on the spiritual bad habits you're living with and work to replace them with healthy new ones."

    For King--who travels the country offering free, open-to-the-public group healings--such hard-to-quantify topics are second nature. It's her mission in life to help people clear away their "spiritual debris": the obsessive thoughts, nagging anxieties, petty jealousies, and other issues that keep people unhappy and make us sick.

    But what about the rest of us? How can we practical-minded people, men and women far more comfortable with wielding dust mops than unblocking chakras, tackle a daunting task like spiritual spring cleaning? King offers some tips to get us started: 

· Identify Issues--Pinpoint your most distressing spiritual issues. Be honest with yourself. Do you live in a state of constant worry and anxiety? Do you harbor anger and resentment toward a parent or spouse? Do you obsessively re-live mistakes or traumas? Are you controlling and aggressive or, on the other end of the spectrum, passive and "victimized"? "It's not that hard to recognize spiritual debris," says King. "Anything that makes us feel depressed or powerless or unbalanced--anything that blocks the free flow of Spirit--can probably be put in that category. Identifying your trouble zone provides a focus for the work that is to come."

· Ask for Help--Turn to a trusted friend to help you identify your "trouble spots." Getting an outside perspective can work wonders. King suggests that you say to your chosen person, "I am trying to become more self-aware so that I can work on my spiritual health. What issues do you notice that I exhibit?" "Answers can vary wildly and what you hear might be the last thing you expect. Your friend might say something like 'You have a lot of anger toward your husband' or 'I think you drink too much' or 'You're a workaholic' or 'Every other word out of your mouth is negative.' This is a tough exercise, but it will really help you take a look at 'you' from a different perspective."

· Find a Mentor--Seek out a spiritual mentor. Do you know someone whose spiritual health you admire? An individual who seems centered, balanced, happy, at peace? If so, make a conscious effort to spend time with this person. Notice how she weathers the storms of life. Imagine yourself in her shoes: How would you react if your mother died, if you lost your job, if your unmarried daughter got pregnant? Ask her how she maintains her unruffled feathers. "You'll probably find that the healthiest people, spiritually speaking, have been through the fire and come out on the other side," says King. "They probably understand what you're going through and will be happy to share their insights." 

· Start a Journal. King is a strong proponent of journaling as an exercise to express internal feelings to help cleanse the "spiritual debris" that clutters us. (Her website, MiracleHealings.com, offers a free download of Miracle Healings journal pages that you can use.) She recommends setting aside time every day, if possible, to explore your issues on paper. Be disciplined about it. "Let's say you know you have a problem with jealousy," says King. "Write about it in your journal--how resentful you felt when your friend told you she had finally met her soul mate, or when your coworker got a promotion, or when your sister lost 20 pounds. Write for yourself, not some imaginary reader. Let the journal take you to where it wants you to go. You may find a childhood-rooted fear at the heart of your problem. Even if you don't have a profound, 'aha moment,' you'll get acquainted with the 'real you' and ultimately work through your issue, whatever it may be." 

· Meditate--A minimum of 20 minutes of meditation daily will open your inner world. Meditation is a wonderful tool that will enable you to connect with your spirit, refresh your soul, and simply recharge your batteries. What's more, it's necessary for spiritual health. "Silence, stillness, and solitude are basic human needs," asserts King. "And we don't get them unless we make room for them. Our lives are filled to the brim with work, with shrill cell phones, with e-mails, with literal and figurative traffic jams. Carving out time to meditate--time free of human and electronic interruptions--is basic spiritual hygiene."

· Start Setting Boundaries--Speak your voice. Take back your power. Spiritual debris piles up and clogs your energy when you consistently fail to be true to yourself. Have you given away your power? Are you allowing some other person or entity--a parent, a spouse, a job, an addiction--to shape your life? Do you take on tasks you would prefer not to do, or regularly squelch your opinions to keep from offending others? Now is the time to start breaking these patterns. "You don't have to do it all at once but begin taking baby steps toward meeting your real needs and taking back your power," King advises.

· Take in Nature--As often as possible, immerse yourself in nature. It's not always easy to do in today's world but find time to connect with the Earth and its healing rhythms. Get up early and sit on your front porch to soak up the sunrise. Spend a weekend hiking or camping or walking on the beach. Plant and nurture a small garden, even if it's just pots in a window or on a balcony. "Getting in touch with nature really does help you get in touch with the needs of your own soul," reflects King. "It reminds you that renewal and rebirth are not only possible, but natural. Effortless. And spring, with its buds and birdsong, is an inspiring time to start your soul work."

    "Don't let yourself get discouraged if you don't see your life transforming right away," adds King. "Spiritual healing and growth rarely happen overnight. There is no predictable path, only fits and starts, zig-zag progress, forward motion interspersed with periods of regression. It's the intention behind this work that matters. You know the spiritual principle of 'seek and you shall find'? Well, spring is here, and the sun is out--there is no better time to start.

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This article was originally published in Flossin Magazine. The original author of this article is Fawn Aberson. This article is edited by Edna Waters. This article is optimized for web by Steven Christian (Artist | Author | Podcaster).